NEW OpenAI Structured Outputs with Label Studio 🚀


The Choices tag is used to create a group of choices, with radio buttons or checkboxes. It can be used for single or multi-class classification. Also, it is used for advanced classification tasks where annotators can choose one or multiple answers.

Choices can have dynamic value to load labels from task. This task data should contain a list of options to create underlying <Choice>s. All the parameters from options will be transferred to corresponding tags.

The Choices tag can be used with any data types.


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the group of choices
toName string Name of the data item that you want to label
[choice] single | single-radio | multiple single Single or multi-class classification
[showInline] boolean false Show choices in the same visual line
[required] boolean false Validate whether a choice has been selected
[requiredMessage] string Show a message if validation fails
[visibleWhen] region-selected | no-region-selected | choice-selected | choice-unselected Control visibility of the choices. Can also be used with the when* parameters below to narrow down visibility
[whenTagName] string Use with visibleWhen. Narrow down visibility by name of the tag. For regions, use the name of the object tag, for choices, use the name of the choices tag
[whenLabelValue] string Use with visibleWhen="region-selected". Narrow down visibility by label value. Multiple values can be separated with commas
[whenChoiceValue] string Use with visibleWhen ("choice-selected" or "choice-unselected") and whenTagName, both are required. Narrow down visibility by choice value. Multiple values can be separated with commas
[perRegion] boolean Use this tag to select a choice for a specific region instead of the entire task
[perItem] boolean Use this tag to select a choice for a specific item inside the object instead of the whole object
[value] string Task data field containing a list of dynamically loaded choices (see example below)
[allowNested] boolean Allow to use children field in dynamic choices to nest them. Submitted result will contain array of arrays, every item is a list of values from topmost parent choice down to selected one.


Basic text classification labeling configuration

  <Choices name="gender" toName="txt-1" choice="single-radio">
    <Choice alias="M" value="Male" />
    <Choice alias="F" value="Female" />
    <Choice alias="NB" value="Nonbinary" />
    <Choice alias="X" value="Other" />
  <Text name="txt-1" value="John went to see Mary" />

Example (This config with dynamic labels)

Choices can be loaded dynamically from task data. It should be an array of objects with attributes. html can be used to show enriched content, it has higher priority than value, however value will be used in the exported result.

  <Audio name="audio" value="$audio" />
  <Choices name="transcription" toName="audio" value="$variants" />
<!-- {
  "data": {
    "variants": [
      { "value": "Do or doughnut. There is no try.", "html": "<img src=''>" },
      { "value": "Do or do not. There is no trial.", "html": "<h1>You can use hypertext here</h2>" },
      { "value": "Do or do not. There is no try." },
      { "value": "Duo do not. There is no try." }
} -->

Example (is equivalent to this config)

  <Audio name="audio" value="$audio" />
  <Choices name="transcription" toName="audio" value="$variants">
    <Choice value="Do or doughnut. There is no try." />
    <Choice value="Do or do not. There is no trial." />
    <Choice value="Do or do not. There is no try." />
    <Choice value="Duo do not. There is no try." />
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