NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS


The Image tag shows an image on the page. Use for all image annotation tasks to display an image on the labeling interface.

Use with the following data types: images.

When you annotate image regions with this tag, the annotations are saved as percentages of the original size of the image, from 0-100.


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
value string Data field containing a path or URL to the image
[valueList] string References a variable that holds a list of image URLs. For an example, see the Multi-Page Document Annotation template.
[smoothing] boolean Enable smoothing, by default it uses user settings
[width] string "100%" Image width
[maxWidth] string "750px" Maximum image width
[zoom] boolean false Enable zooming an image with the mouse wheel
[negativeZoom] boolean false Enable zooming out an image
[zoomBy] float 1.1 Scale factor
[grid] boolean false Whether to show a grid
[gridSize] number 30 Specify size of the grid
[gridColor] string "#EEEEF4" Color of the grid in hex, opacity is 0.15
[zoomControl] boolean false Show zoom controls in toolbar
[brightnessControl] boolean false Show brightness control in toolbar
[contrastControl] boolean false Show contrast control in toolbar
[rotateControl] boolean false Show rotate control in toolbar
[crosshair] boolean false Show crosshair cursor
[horizontalAlignment] left | center | right left Where to align image horizontally. Can be one of “left”, “center”, or “right”
[verticalAlignment] top | center | bottom top Where to align image vertically. Can be one of “top”, “center”, or “bottom”
[defaultZoom] auto | original | fit fit Specify the initial zoom of the image within the viewport while preserving its ratio. Can be one of “auto”, “original”, or “fit”
[crossOrigin] none | anonymous | use-credentials none Configures CORS cross domain behavior for this image, either “none”, “anonymous”, or “use-credentials”, similar to DOM img crossOrigin property.


Labeling configuration to display an image on the labeling interface

  <!-- Retrieve the image url from the url field in JSON or column in CSV -->
  <Image name="image" value="$url" rotateControl="true" zoomControl="true"></Image>


Labeling configuration to perform multi-image segmentation

  <!-- Retrieve the image url from the url field in JSON or column in CSV -->
  <Image name="image" valueList="$images" rotateControl="true" zoomControl="true"></Image>
<!-- {
  "data": {
    "images": [
} -->

In this article

  1. Parameters
  2. Example
  3. Example
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