NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS


The Ellipse tag is used to add an elliptical bounding box to an image. Use for bounding box image segmentation tasks with ellipses.

Use with the following data types: image.


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
toName string Name of the image to label
[opacity] float 0.6 Opacity of ellipse
[fillColor] string Ellipse fill color in hexadecimal
[strokeColor] string "#f48a42" Stroke color in hexadecimal
[strokeWidth] number 1 Width of the stroke
[canRotate] boolean true Show or hide rotation control
[smart] boolean Show smart tool for interactive pre-annotations
[smartOnly] boolean Only show smart tool for interactive pre-annotations


Basic image segmentation with ellipses labeling configuration

  <Ellipse name="ellipse1-1" toName="img-1" />
  <Image name="img-1" value="$img" />

In this article

  1. Parameters
  2. Example
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