NEW OpenAI Structured Outputs with Label Studio 🚀


The TimeSeries tag can be used to label time series data. Read more about Time Series Labeling on the time series template page.

Note: The time axis in your data must be sorted, otherwise the TimeSeries tag does not work. To use autogenerated indices as time axes, don’t use the timeColumn parameter.

Use with the following data types: time series.


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
value string Key used to look up the data, either URLs for your time-series if valueType=url, otherwise expects JSON
[valueType] url | json url Format of time series data provided. If set to “url” then Label Studio loads value references inside value key, otherwise it expects JSON.
[timeColumn] string Column name or index that provides temporal values. If your time series data has no temporal column then one is automatically generated.
[timeFormat] string Pattern used to parse values inside timeColumn, parsing is provided by d3, and follows strftime implementation
[timeDisplayFormat] string Format used to display temporal value. Can be a number or a date. If a temporal column is a date, use strftime to format it. If it’s a number, use d3 number formatting.
[durationDisplayFormat] string Format used to display temporal duration value for brush range. If the temporal column is a date, use strftime to format it. If it’s a number, use d3 number formatting.
[sep] string "," Separator for your CSV file.
[overviewChannels] string Comma-separated list of channel names or indexes displayed in overview.
[overviewWidth] string "25%" Default width of overview window in percents
[fixedScale] boolean false Whether to scale y-axis to the maximum to fit all the values. If false, current view scales to fit only the displayed values.


Channel tag can be used to label time series data


Param Type Default Description
column string column name or index
[legend] string display name of the channel
[units] string display units name
[displayFormat] string format string for the values, uses d3-format:
, - group thousands with separator (from locale): , (12345.6 -> 12,345.6) ,.2f (12345.6 -> 12,345.60)
.precision - precision for f|% type, significant digits for empty type:
.3f (12.3456 -> 12.345, 1000 -> 1000.000)
.3 (12.3456 -> 12.3, 1.2345 -> 1.23, 12345 -> 1.23e+4)
f - treat as float, default precision is .6: f (12 -> 12.000000) .2f (12 -> 12.00) .0f (12.34 -> 12)
% - treat as percents and format accordingly: %.0 (0.128 -> 13%) %.1 (1.2345 -> 123.4%)
[height] number height of the plot
[strokeColor] string "#f48a42" plot stroke color, expects hex value
[strokeWidth] number 1 plot stroke width
[markerColor] string "#f48a42" plot stroke color, expects hex value
[markerSize] number 0 plot stroke width
[markerSymbol] number circle plot stroke width
[timeRange] string data range of x-axis / time axis
[dataRange] string data range of y-axis / data axis
[showAxis] string show or bide both axis
[fixedScale] boolean if false current view scales to fit only displayed values; if given overwrites TimeSeries’ fixedScale


Labeling configuration for time series data stored in a CSV loaded from a URL containing 3 columns: time, sensor1, and sensor2. The time column stores time as a number.

  <TimeSeries name="device" value="$timeseries" valueType="url" timeColumn="time">
     <Channel column="sensor1" />
     <Channel column="sensor2" />
  <TimeSeriesLabels name="label" toName="device">
    <Label value="Run" background="#5b5"/>
    <Label value="Walk" background="#55f"/>


Labeling configuration for time series data stored in the task field ts in Label Studio JSON format. The time field is stored as a date in the timeformat field and formatted as a full date on the plot (by default).

  <TimeSeries name="device" value="$ts" timeColumn="time" timeFormat="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S">
     <Channel column="sensor1" />
     <Channel column="sensor2" />

In this article

  1. Parameters
  1. Parameters
  2. Example
  3. Example
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