Video Classification

If you want to build a video classification machine learning model, for example for content moderation or training use cases, you want a relevant dataset of classified videos. Use this template to classify videos.
You can build a video classifier using the HyperText tag or the Video tag.
Interactive Template Preview
Labeling Configuration
Use the Video tag:
<Video name="video" value="$video"/>
<Choices name="choice" toName="video" showInline="true">
<Choice value="Blurry" />
<Choice value="Sharp" />
About the labeling configuration
All labeling configurations must be wrapped in View tags.
Use the Video object tag to display video clips in Label Studio Enterprise:
<Video name="video" value="$video"/>
Use the Choices control tag to provide classification options to annotators:
<Choices name="choice" toName="video" showInline="true">
<Choice value="Blurry" />
<Choice value="Sharp" />
Labeling Configuration
Using the HyperText tag:
<Choices name="type" toName="video" choice="single-radio">
<Choice value="Motion"></Choice>
<Choice value="Stable"></Choice>
<HyperText name="video" value="$html"></HyperText>
<!-- { "html": "<embed src=''></embed>" } -->
About the labeling configuration
All labeling configurations must be wrapped in View tags.
Use the Choices control tag to provide a single choice for annotators to use to classify the video:
<Choices name="type" toName="video" choice="single-radio">
<Choice value="Motion"></Choice>
<Choice value="Stable"></Choice>
Use the HyperText tag to display video clips to annotators in Label Studio:
<HyperText name="video" value="$html"></HyperText>
Input data
To use the labeling configuration with HyperText tags, prepare input data like the following example using the HTML video tag:
{ "html": "<video src=''>" },
{ "html": "<video src=''>" }
You can also embed videos available on the web:
{ "html": "<embed src=''></embed>" }
Read more about the HTML video tag on the W3 Schools website.