NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS

Add users to Label Studio Enterprise

Create the initial organization account

When creating a new organization, you must sign up directly without an invite link. The user who creates the new account will have the Owner role.

For on-prem deployments, use /user/signup.

For SaaS deployments, use


There can only be one Owner per organization. If the user in control of the Owner account leaves, you will need to open a support ticket to request that this role be reassigned.


Depending on how you sign up, the new organization is named using the Owner's email. You can change the name of the organization through the API:

curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token your_api_token" -d '{"title": "new title"}' <>

Require invites for new users

While you can invite users to join your organization with the invite link, this does not prevent users from registering new account through the signup page (for on-prem deployments).

You can remove the option to create accounts through the /user/signup page by setting the following environment variable:


Users will only be able to sign up through an invitation link or email.

Invite users to Label Studio Enterprise

Once the initial organization account is created, you can begin inviting users:

  1. Open Label Studio and click the menu in the upper left.

  2. Select Organization.

    If you do not see the Organization option, you do not have access to the Organization page. Only users in the Owner or Administrator role can access this page.

  3. From the Organization page, click Invite People.

From here you have two options:

  • Invite link
    You can share this link with users, who can then complete the registration process. However, they will be unable to access Label Studio until an Owner or Administrator manually assigns them a role. See User roles and permissions.

    Click Reset Link to reset the link. When reset, anyone who have the old link will be unable to register a new user account.

  • Invite via email
    Enter a list of email addresses separated by commas and then select a user role for the new accounts. Users will receive an email with a link to create their Label Studio account, and will be able to access Label Studio as soon as their registration is complete.

Statuses of user accounts


NOT_ACTIVATED status is equal to Pending status.

If a user is in Pending status then it means he was invited and signed up for the account, but his role is not defined by administrator.

If you assign Deactivate to a role then it means you free one seat in license and a deactivated user doesn’t have access to your organization.